African weapons Galerie / gallery - African weapons and ethnographicaAfrican sword and knife1257 FotosAfrican throwing knifes96 FotosAfrican club and staff134 FotosAfrican axes211 FotosAfrican spear and arrow286 FotosAfrican shields335 FotosPrimitive money68 Fotos
African ethnographica Galerie / gallery - African weapons and ethnographicaAfrican adornment231 FotosAfrican manillas and bracelets279 FotosAfrican headrest & stool178 FotosAfrican headdress68 FotosAfrican basket & container319 FotosAfrican pipe & snuff134 FotosAfrican mask & sculpture81 FotosAfrican musik instrument82 Fotos
Beads, Neolithic Artefacts, Pictures Galerie / gallery - African weapons and ethnographicaBeads136 FotosGoldweights and accessory74 FotosNeolithic artefacts58 Fotoshistorical pictures, graphic sources366 FotosNew Books1 FotosChad - Baggara with camel adornmentBlandin: Bronzes et autres Alliages; pg. 79Watercolor in MfV ViennaOscar Baumann - Wanyaturu Stock KämpferAcholi fight 1912Richard Buchta pic. made betw. 1877 and 1880Richard Buchta pic. made betw. 1877 and 1880Acholi warrior pic. made by Richard Buchta between 1877 and 1880.Sao exhibition National Museum N'DjamenaAlgeria, Tassili massive - pétroglypheKuba chief with spearold Guéré man beside his chair "gba" 1956Guéré girls stool dancing 1956Very friendly potter in Omdurman, 1977Berlin museum - III C 26215Blink, Dr. H. - De Bewoners der Vreemde Werelddeelen - 1898Pende similarities in forgingmace head in the Pergamon Museum/Berlin Pergamon Museum/Berlinfibula in the Pergamon Museum/Berlinbead or amulett Map of Babylon - Pergamon Museum BerlinLeather Museum Offenbach,GermanyRoute of Count Samuel Teleki's expedition 1888.proportionsdifferent similaritiesNande warriors with shieldNande - picture made by Emma NodariShilluk with pipe - picture made by Emma NodariIvory Coast stamp with furneral trumpetsIbadan MuseumSouth African artist "Kloof Nek" married Woman's hat, called "Isicholo"Oskar Lenz - TimbuktuJohnston: The River Congo - 1884 - pg.434Oscar Baumann 1894 - pg. 220Rendille elder with copper earrings 2014Namibisches Kulturerbe in ethnologischen SammlungenAfar warrior 1888Afar - 1880-87Pitt Rivers showcaseBronze Age jewelry in Central Europe, 1600 to 1200 BCOvimbundu with spearWien MfV - 5 spearsWien MfV - Kaffa daggerWien MfV - Ethiopian necklaceBasel MfV - JibbehTessmann, Die Pangwe vol.1,plate I (1913)12345678
Travelling Galerie / gallery - African weapons and ethnographicaMiddle East 1971 ( under construction )60 FotosMorocco 1973 ( under construction )1 FotosSudan 1976 ( under construction )23 FotosAlgeria - Sahara 1978 ( under construction )1 FotosThailand 19793 FotosKenya 1992 ( under construction )80 FotosIceland Impressions 1993 and 199513 FotosSouth Morocco 20060 FotosMauretania 200617 FotosOMO VALLEY 20121 FotosCAIRO 20190 FotosEgypt 1981 + 20190 FotosChad 2022/23 (under construction)39 Fotos