Plate LVI from "Voyage to Meroe, to the White River, beyond Fâzoql in the south of the Kingdom of Sennâr, to Syouah and in five other oases, made in the years 1819, 1821 and 1822, by M. Frédéric Cailliaud", Imprimerie Royale, Paris, 1826-1827. including plates, some in color, and maps. Plate presenting various numbered objects: 1.2. Cabin 3 ... 12 '. Weapons and Armor 13.14. Musical instruments 15 ... 21 Objects of adornment and utensil of the negroes in use in the Bertât The explorer Frédéric Cailliaud crosses the deserts of Egypt, Ethiopia and Nubia (Sudan), where he discovers ruins of ancient Egypt and of the Roman Empire. He accompanied the military expedition of Ismail Pasha to Nubia, where he explored the ruins of Meroe.
The source is from Quai Branly